Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Proof That Prisons Rehabilitate

Being labeled the Preppie Killer makes a man have to prove he's not such a pussy.

Robert Chambers, who already turned a 15 year stint in prison for a "rough sex" encounter that ended up as a strangulation murder, was arrested after selling undercover officers cocaine out of his apartment. Repeatedly.

Chambers, put up a fight during the arrest to prove he was more of a man now that he was no longer killing 18 year olds and leaving their bodies in Central Park. That doesn't mean he's not the ladies man -- his girlfriend was also arrested in connection with the bust. Selling coke with your man, that's love and dedication.

Police had purchased roughly a quarter kilo of cocaine in eight buys over the summer, and during the raid they recovered 10 crack pipes and five small bags of cocaine. In 2004, he was arrested for misdemeanor heroin possession and unlicensed driving, which netted him 100 days in jail and fined $200. That's a pretty cheap fine for the drugs and far too harsh a sentence for the driving infraction if you ask me.

I think that going with the young Unabomber look is also a plus for him in the manly column. Flanked by two cops who look like they stepped of the set of The Shield, he's able to keep an Eastwood like zen, and the whole image just crushes the yellow sweater tied over a sky blue polo shirt picture his nom de kill paints. Well done sir!

It's easy to see how stuff like this starts. Just like on Saved By The Bell, you have some bullying ethnic kid like Slater calling you "preppie" all the time, and then one day, Zach snaps and Kelly Kapowski is found dead behind the cafeteria at Bayshore.

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