Classically, when two teams share the same territory there's bound to be rivalry. And while the LA sprawl and Orange County are large enough, the Southern California megalopolis is really just one big neighborhood. And I hate the neighbors.
Ever since the NHL started a massive growth spurt in the early 90's, Los Angeles has had a Disney shaped scourge lurking in the shadows. The only major sports team in history to come into existence on the heels of a promotional tie-in, the Mighty Ducks were a cartoon version of what a sports franchise should be. Yet somehow over 15 years, they not only shed their lame mascot and stupid name, but managed to put together some scrappy, talented players and forged a competitory team. So good in fact they're in the Stanley Cup finals for the second time in four years - even being called a favorite. And the only thing standing between them and glory (and my disappointment) is a team from Ottawa.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Godspeed you Ottawa Senators. Smite our common foe and keep the Cup out of California...unless its hoisted by kingly hands.
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