Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hoff's Brau

So as a preview for my piece on Cinco de Mayo and excessive drinking, David Hasselhoff fortuitously released a video of himself totally shithouse wasted. A recovering alcoholic, he apparently told his daughter if he ever fell off the wagon to tape him so he could see it later and learn from it. Done and done.

I too learned something from it -- you must be shirtless and trying to eat messy fast food if you are going to be on camera with a double digit B.A.L.

Ireland Baldwin, what do you have to complain about?

UPDATE: Word is his ex-wife leaked the tape. Bitter divorces are brutally awesome. That's why you have to be sure you have some pure evil dirt on your spouse just in case they have malicious intent. The kind of stuff which causes a reaction by her and her family that makes Jonestown look like a Sunday at the park the result. And for all the interested ladies who are moved by my sensitivity and caring side, yes, I am currently available.

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