Monday, July 30, 2007


A significant fan of Ar-nuld, Death paid tribute to the Terminator's birthday and legendary film body count by wrenching this mortal coil from a few notable celebs.

Proving yet again that they go in threes, the spectral grasp took Bill Walsh, Ingmar Bergman, and Tom Snyder.

I was going to joke about Walsh's genius in The Seventh Seal, or Bergman's brash chain-smoking late night interviews, or Synder's legendary tenure as a pigskin coach, but playing musical biographies lost it's charm about a minute into plotting it out, so...they're dead, okay. But the pale rider did it for his love of the Austrian Oak.

Death also has a sense of humor, and just for kicks gave Chief Justice John Roberts a seizure. Y'know, for good measure.

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