Monday, July 16, 2007

Law & Order: Arrakis

Soon, there will be a Law & Order show for every hour of the day, and it will be prerequisite for actors to do a stint on there before getting work. But until then, all we can do is keep track of the beast as it grows and absorbs Hollywood.

The latest acquisition to the leviathan is Alicia Witt, who may have had many roles in her career, but she will always be Alia from Dune. As it turns out, she's not too hard on the eyes as an adult.

I can't keep track of the 36 different shows or the 249 characters, but hopefully they'll let her use a gom jabbar as standard issue and use the Bene Geserit voice when she interrogates suspects. Hell, give her the spice or some of the water of life and let her do her thing. Crime would be non-existent in about a month.

Alia is one hardcore little girl, and she's got a message from her brother. Goddamn right I'm geeked out on Dune.

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