Friday, July 27, 2007


Once a year, bedrooms across Southern California clear out, and pale, physically unfit specimens emerge for a long weekend of rabid drooling and adulation over the biggest names in comics, sci-fi, fantasy, video games, and film.

Comic-Con has returned to San Diego.

While there are other conventions, the annual San Diego gathering draws fanboys from across the nation to warm weather, tourist comforts, and hall after hall of exhibitor treasures. There will be panel discussions, creators signing their work, and mostly, every variety of dork, geek, dweeb, nerd, spaz, and freak.

Years ago, Herr Doctor and I went there to peddle an idea to the publishers in attendance. We expected to be there all day, but completed our task in just a few hours, so we went into Tijuana and walked back across the border with a sock full of pharmaceuticals, and then got the hell out of town. But there's no way there'll be an early departure this year for all the attendees. In fact, for the first time ever the convention is completely sold though between day and package passes.

Of course, World Of Warcraft servers will be greatly relieved of their traffic and local supplies of Mountain Dew and Doritos will be taxed over the course of the convention, but it will be in inverse proportion to the amount of showers and shaving that will occur.

The liveliest element of the entire weekend is the army of goofballs dressed up like their favorite character. While some look disgusting and others bizarre, there is generally a great deal of care put into the costumes, which is excellent when it comes to spandex clad hotties. They almost make the odor and nerdiculture tolerable. Fortunately, the interweb will keep us safe, although we will miss the chance to meet a babe who is down for your video game addiction and comic book collection, and of course, to dress up for my sickest perversions. And yours.

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