Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Do Not Draw Attention

Yes, as the photo says, Lady Bird Johnson has died.

Clearly, the 94 year old wife of a former president dying is news that must be broken with absolute haste.

It's only been three decades since they were in office.

And at least half the population thought she was already dead.

I guess you gotta jump on the big news stories, especially when Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff's "gut feeling" is there's terrorist activity and attacks afoot for the summer. Wow, Chertoff eats a chili dog, and his resultant gas causes a press conference and security warnings.

"Summertime seems to be appealing to them," Chertoff also said. A season with high temperatures and excessive sun is appealing to terrorists? The same season that's pretty much year round in their home countries? Really? I hear family vacations are incredibly popular and appealing in the summer. Are you sure you're not mixing up terrorist and travellers? Who gave this fucking moron a job?

Just tell me more about Lady Bird so I can forget how stupid and embarassing our government is.

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