Monday, July 23, 2007


I came to bury Tammy Faye, not to praise her.

After bilking millions of dollars from gullible followers looking to buy their way into heaven, karma caught up with Tammy Faye and blessed her with cancer. After a decade of sucking sympathy and compassion out of others for her condition and crusading with the same pro-Christian message that got her in trouble, save the sheen of a reformed, supposedly apologetic attitude, Tammy Faye finally took a long awaited and well deserved dirt nap.

While she hoped to be an inspiration to others and believed she was going “straight to heaven”, the fact is that she preyed on the stupid and weak – religious minded suckers, and that her faith is indelibly marred by her hypocrisy. If there is a heaven, I expect her to have the gates slammed in her face. I can only hope that the utterly simple folk who stuck by her charade of fanaticism and religious fervor, and who prayed for her during her sickness and bothered to spare the time to consider her at all find themselves led to a similarly unexpected holy lockout.

When Dick Cheney and the rest of the elite scum of our current administration get their comeuppance, you better believe I’ll be cheering for slow, painful karma to do them right. It’s hard to believe in higher powers and afterlife real estate given the injustice and tragedy that exists on a daily basis, but if there truly is a God, all of these motherfuckers will suffer here on Earth and beyond.

Greet death Tammy Faye, and expect company.

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