Friday, March 14, 2008

Unfashionable Week

It's Fashion Week in L.A. and all the celebs are showcasing their lines. If you consider the other Hilton sister and the Pussycrap Dulls celebrities or clothing impresarios. Quoth the always awesome WWTDD:

The Pussycat Dolls had their fashion show yesterday at LA Fashion Week, and it was a typically somber and understated affair. All the models were ugly and the fashion was hideous, so if that was the goal, Mission Accomplished! I think my favorite of the ugly models was either this basically naked chick or this chick with stretch marks. I assume her c-section scars or knife wounds are there too, but that should only be considered an optimistic guess. The only people who would wear this insane crap are the pussycat dolls, and they’re already there, so why even have a show. Why do they even get a show. Their gimmick is that they’re singers who look like strippers, but they can't sing and they don't strip. Real strippers are hotter with better music and they’ll show you their vaginas for 20 dollars because they dropped out of high school. Advantage = Real Strippers.

Both their goods have been helped along by my company, so I am, in fact, assisting in civilization's downfall. Sorry.

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