Thursday, March 20, 2008

This Year's Crop Of Douchebags

When ever the need to make something more important than it already is arises, an award is created. Which is why we have the 2nd annual YouTube Awards.

The nominees include an obsessed Britney Spears fan, the Obama Girl, "Chocolate Rain" and the "don't tase me, bro" guy. Fifteen minutes of fame never went so slowly. The 12 winners will be announced on Friday. There were six nominees for each category: music, sports, comedy, instructional, short film, inspirational, commentary, creative, politics, series, eyewitness and "adorable". And if ever there was proof an award is unnecessary, an "adorable" category is it.

The winners were voted on by users, and other than notoriety they'll get a trophy described as "very heavy with a metal base" supporting a "big glass `play' button". Wow. The pride is back. The nominees were viewed nearly a quarter-billion times, which just goes to show there's no accounting for good taste...but plenty for bad.

This clip from the new season of Human Giant pretty much sums it all up.

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