Monday, March 10, 2008


Gun control? That's when you use two hands.

I went shooting for the first time this weekend, and it was fun as hell. The nice thing is that the
Los Angeles Gun Club is just around the corner from my work, so when I feel like putting a few caps in some punk ass paper target, there's not too far to go.
Having only handled smaller caliber pellet and paintball guns before, it was familiar but still slightly different using a Beretta 92. It was a simple 9mm to load and fire, and comfortable to use. Also tested out was the Glock, which I think is like a kiddie cap gun - I won't be handling that again. Eventually I'll move up to some bigger handguns, but it was a nice start and a good way to get comfortable with a firearm.


daniel said...

damn! you totally killed that paper dude. screw grouping. damage as many vital organs as possible. why no head shots?

famous m said...

Head shots were not worth enough points...221 confirmed pts out of 250, but I think there's a double entry in there that would give me 229 and make me 25 for 25. It was from a competition we had, and I won, Next time I'll do a head shot only comp.

The guy next to me destroyed his target...shotgun headshots from under 10 ft wasted the target.