Monday, March 24, 2008


Fame these days last as long as a front page blog post, and comes from less likely places. Just ask Katherine Lee, or "Deltalina", as the stupidly simple moniker has her pegged.

A veteran flight attendant for over a decade, Lee is the star of the latest Delta airlines safety informational video, beating out 81 other attendants who auditioned. The portmanteau of Delta and Angelina Jolie, whom she bears a resemblance, "Deltalina" is getting hyped across the interweb. Shrewd move, Delta. YouTube video + hottie x p.r. push = buzz.

Next month, nearly 80 million Delta Air Lines passengers worldwide will see the video. In revamping the safety video, the instructions are now backed by a smooth jazz drumbeat and ethereal electronic tones. Also, in one spot, the viewer suddenly sees a digital sparkle on the smile of a male flight attendant who is demonstrating how to properly wear a life vest. But the money shot is the finger wag. Halfway through the 4 1/2 minute video, Lee unexpectedly and playfully wags her finger at the camera while instructing that "Smoking ... is not allowed, on any Delta flight".

Lee borders at points on looking almost too plasticine and worked on with her lush lips and lofty cheekbones, but goddammit if that nymph isn't the most delicious thing with that finger wag.

Don't expect be seated in Katherine Lee's section though...she trains other flight attendants at the airline's Atlanta headquarters. But the articles and reports about her cleverly mention that Lee is single.

"I was on vacation ... and when we landed in Munich, one of the passengers comments, 'Aren't you that girl in the safety video?"' Lee said. "It's been kind of interesting. With students I'm teaching, I feel like a rock star. I wanted to do this since the first day I became a flight attendant. Ten and a half years later, I finally made it."

And you thought that all actresses needed to wait tables.

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