Monday, March 17, 2008

Death Be Not Proud

Please, let's all try and be serious about this.

A former drummer for the Swedish pop band ABBA was found dead in the garden of his residence, and no this was not a scene out of The Godfather. Or even
The Disco Godfather.

A neighbor found the body of 62 year old Ola Brunkert on Sunday evening at his house on the Spanish island of Mallorca. An autopsy was carried out and confirmed initial suspicions that it was an accident.

According to their report, Brunkert hit his head against a glass door in his dining room, shattering the glass and cutting himself in the neck. He managed to wrap a towel around his neck and left the house to seek help, but collapsed in the garden. Because it's much better to stagger around the neighborhood with a neck wound than call for immediate help.

ABBA band member Benny Anderson was sad to hear of the drummer's death. "It is tragic," he (fittingly) said, while member Bjorn Ulvaeus added that Brunkert had been "one of the best." Neither commented on Brunkert's dexterity or coordination skills.

According to ABBA's official Web site, Brunkert and bass player Rutger Gunnarsson were the only musicians to appear on all ABBA albums. No report on unofficial ABBA websites, because the thought of them existing is, well, frightening.

In summary: ABBA drummer. Headbutting a glass door. Dying in a garden. My laughter.

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