Thursday, March 6, 2008

Like Easter, But Better

After more than a two month deathcycle, my computer at work is resurected and alive with the flavor of the interweb!

You have no idea how much of a pain in the ass it has been to have to run between open desks, free computer terminals, and between buildings to check email, send contracts, and get messages from clients. Oh wait, now you do. The former tech guy was a nightmare, and if you recall,
totally killed my computer. The most recent trouble began when my web connection went down around the first of the year, and Rasputin kept flaking out on coming to fix it.

Why "Rasputin"?

Because this kid has had in the last six months colon cancer, a collapsed lung, pneumonia, and apparently some kind of psychoactive medication he's need to take (that was the last, best excuse for not following through - the pharmacy messed up his dose and he got imbalanced). But the health issues were not directly keeping him out. He'd say with almost daily regularity that he was coming in, and then never show up. Plus his phone didn't take incoming phone calls. So why use him? Something about him dating the owner's daughter, and the idiotic $7,000 retainer he was put on.

As other network connections were collapsing around the buildings and my co-workers were losing their connectivity, the situation became more dire. And while Rasputin came a few weeks ago, he did nothing to make the situation better - in fact, he made my computer do something wonky and then said he was going to kill need to reformat again to fix it.

Only after bringing in a guy from my last company did it get better. So now, with direct access to the interweb and my email, I rejoice! Later tonight, egg painting! And later, egg throwing!

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