Adios, Spitz!
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer resigned in disgrace this morning after getting caught in a call-girl scandal that shattered his corruption-fighting, straight-arrow image. And no, his wife ain't too pleased
The girls of the Emperor's Club? WWTDD sheds a little light on them.
One of the biggest problems with not being the typical politician for sale is you have to buy your own hookers-- such a dilemma. I worried about Eliot for a while. After he took down scumbag after scumbag, I asked, "Who is going to pay for Eliot's hookers? Gosh, I hope he doesn't have to pay with his own money."
It pays to be in the pocket of at least one scumbag. But then it looks suspicious when you only take care of one scumbag, so you've got to take "favors" from all the scumbags. Next thing you know, you're working for the scumbags instead of "the people" who elected you. But at least your strumpets are paid for. And that's the important thing.
The prevailing wisdom is that you don't pay a pro for sex, you pay them to leave. But you nailed the problem on the head.
They're cleaner (to deal with, not as people) than having a mistress, but nobody is going to wiretap some Long Island housewife you're banging - and that's the peril of going to a high end whore. Spitzy should have been aware of the investigation through his own paranoia and concern for being caught.
Maybe he should have gone to the average streetwalker and kept a lower profile. Besides, killing prostitutes to keep them quiet is half the fun.
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