Wednesday, August 22, 2007


Oh shit! You bringin' R.L. White and Morocco Coleman. Daz serious!

The Hotlanta NAACP chapter president (who must also double for Keith David) and his bitchin' looking crony held a news conference suggesting that Atlanta Falcons quarterback puppy killer Michael Vick should be allowed to return to football after he serves his sentence for his role in a dogfighting operation. Let's note preferably the Atlanta Falcons -- yes, he made that distinction.

"As a society, we should aid in his rehabilitation and welcome a new Michael Vick back into the community without a permanent loss of his career in football," said White. "We further ask the NFL, Falcons, and the sponsors not to permanently ban Mr. Vick from his ability to bring hours of enjoyment to fans all over this country."

Because nothing says rehabilitation than allowing a criminal to resume his multi-million dollar career.

Last month, state and local leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People urged the public not to rush to judgment, and that animal rights groups, talk radio and the news media were prematurely punishing Vick. But now they're becoming revisionists, suggesting he may have been innocent.

"At this point, you're not looking at guilt or innocence," White said, referring to the possible harsher sentence Vick could have received had he taken his case to trial and been found guilty. "You're thinking, 'What I better do is cut my losses and take a plea.' But if he saw this as the best thing to do at this point for his future, then I think he made the correct choice." White also said he regretted that the plea deal will mean all the facts of the case might never be known.

Hmmm...yeah, that would be the best move, to cop a plea instead of letting all those facts in the case exonerate you. The NAACP ought to spend their time making sure people don't confuse them with the NCAA. Even Sharpton and Jackson won't get anywhere near Vick's case - what does that tell you?

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