Thursday, August 30, 2007


A 19 year old London boy was arrested on suspicion speeding after having posted a video of himself on YouTube clocking speeds of more than 140 mph, police said Thursday.

While the police argue the behavior was foolish and endangered his life and lives of others, I argue that his car, a Ford Escort, must have been about to disintegrate if it actually reached that speed. Furthermore, the thought that police are using YouTube as evidence to cite arrest warrants is troubling. The tea party massacre of my sister's stuffed animals is a crime best left mysteriously unsolved.


Idle Eyes said...

Hahaha! Tea party massacre, lol.
You know, when i got that ticket last September for doing 106 in a rented Ford Focus on the way to Bishop, i thought the officer should've been impressed, not punitive. Thankfully, that ticket was dismissed in court, only after i was emptied of $3000 by a traffic court attorney. But $3000 was better than the estimated $9000+ i would've paid over 3 years in insurance hikes had i not fought the ticket. going over 100mph is a severe penalty, basically the same as reckless driving.

famous m said...

They should have dropped the case against you, because who can blame you for wanting to get out of Bishop ASAFP.