Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Here Come The Bastards

Vanity Fair will be running the following picture in September's issue, and I am overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of the collection of douches.

Instead of getting a camera after leading KFed, Pete Wentz, DJ Steve Aoki, Benji Madden, Cisco Adler and Joel Madden down to Brett Ratner's basement, they should have backed a cement truck up and filled it. Or taken some of Michael Vick's top dogs and set them loose in there. Or sprayed them with BBQ sauce and unleashed Rosie O'Donnell. Spending five minutes with any of those tools would make be want to rip their throats out with my bare hands and beat their parents with the bloody trachea for having them. They're as useless as the Skank Pack they orbit.

ps. I don't wanna hear any shit outta you, Scartoe -- your buddy Aoki threw in with that lot by choice.


daniel said...

DISAVOWED. i don't know. maybe they're paying him a lot of money. god, i hope so. honestly, i barely know him. we didn't hang out really. dl knows him better than i do. dl knows everyone.

famous m said...

I never joined the snowboarding team...that was my downfall.