Saturday, August 11, 2007

He's Not In The Lab, He's At A Party...With Girls

Yes, I should be working, but I'm so burnt from the deathly week at work that being in the office is not accomplishing as much as I want. So I may as well post whilst my brain reboots my focus parameters.

The saga of the trapped miners in Utah continues...I take it that miners are simple folk, or at least not excessively educated, as would be the circle of people interested in the story (we only care about what happens to celebrities in LA), which would explain this caption:

Robert Murray, founder and chairman of Cleveland-based Murray Energy Corp, is interviewed while wearing his mine outfit early Saturday morning, Aug. 11, 2007, at the entrance to the Crandall Canyon Mine northwest of Huntington, Utah. Six coal miners have been trapped inside since Monday. A second drill broke through early Saturday to a mine shaft where officials hope to find six trapped workers.

Yes, it was explained that he was interviewed while wearing his mine outfit -- just like in the picture. I can see the need to identify him as Robert Murray since most people don't know him, and I understand giving some of the backstory, but clearly he's wearing a fucking mine outfit. I can't hate on him, so here's a generous helping of fuck you to the idiot Yahoo! News editor who felt the need to state the obvious.

In the past I've hyped Flavorpill, who kicks down good local art, film, and music events, but they have other info they send out specific to other pursuits like literature and fashion. In this week's JC Report they had some blurbs on new designers and lines we'll be seeing in stores and on the street in the coming months, but nothing prepared me for this picture.

I believe this is the gayest thing I've seen all year. And maybe next year too. Fashion really is a competition to see who can look like a gay retarded clown. Whoever created that outfit should be blinded by heated spikes, and then beaten to death with clubs made of frozen piss.

In other non-sports news, Sergio Garcia was disqualified from the PGA Championship on Saturday for signing an incorrect scorecard. Apparently players exchange scorecards and keep each other's score, and at the end of the round, it is the player's responsibility to check the card for accuracy. Boo Weekley (wow, what an awesome inbred Klan member name that is) wrote a 4 instead of a 5 on one hole and Garcia missed it, so he's out. What flavor of bullshit is that? Oh, the kind that comes with not being a real sport.

And finally, Mr. Big and Carrie Bradshaw will be together again in the onscreen version of Sex In The City: The Crusty, Menopause Years. Chris Noth, currently of Law & Order fame, will reprise the role with to
Sarah Orc-beast Parker, leaving early 90s hair rock outfit Mr. Big still without a viable comeback vehicle.

They opened for Rush in '91 at Irvine Meadows...ask Famous Sister, we had a good time at the show (they played her favorite Rush song "The Trees").

Shit, I gotta get back to work.

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