Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More Fiction, Less Science

Are all the credible scientists and writers on vacation for the summer?

On the heels of yesterdays non-announcement about artificial life, now we can mentally masturbate the possibilities of time travel! Theoretical physicists are working on a new concept, yet sadly, their new idea requires requires technology far more advanced than anything existing today. Oops!

As you all know, gravity, essentially arises when matter bends space and time, and time travel research is based on bending space-time so far that time lines actually turn back on themselves to form a loop. This "closed-time" loop is what researchers are trying create -- within a machine. The great thing about theoretical fields is that you can come up with all kinds of unprovable fantasy. Other than finding and controlling a gravitational force akin to a black hole and the technicality that the machine could not go to a time before it was created, everything sounds great!

If we were in the age of Copernicus, these scientists wouldn't utter a peep, especially without any substantiation. I hate it when I long for the 15th century.

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