Monday, August 27, 2007

Needle In The Hay

Owen Wilson apparently attempted suicide last night.

While it was not completely confirmed, he issued the follow statement after going to both St. John's Hospital in Santa Monica and the detox ward at Cedars-Sinai: "I respectfully ask that the media allow me to receive care and heal in private during this difficult time."

My take is much the same as many others -- what the fuck do you have to be unhappy about? You make movies and get your ass kissed as a celebrity, you make plenty of money, and you get to punch choice celeb kitty. Advocates for people with depression or who are suicidal would say that it's chemical and emotional and that all those seemingly positive things can fuel the problem -- and to them I say shut your goddamn mouth.

Owen Wilson would kill himself if he lived my life. I'm living it and sometimes I want to die, but I keep my shit together, so I have no sympathy for his situation. I may not want to be doing rails off Kate Hudson's ass or smoking joints with Ben Stiller, but it would beat the piss out of my typical day.

Brother Luke's suicidal turn in The Royal Tenenbaums is about as close as we'll get to what happened...


daniel said...

I agree it all comes down to perception. Billions of less fortunate people cope every day with life's shit, and they soldier on. But there are things that money and celebrity just can't trump. If you've gotten everything you've always thought you wanted and still feel empty, that could be a big letdown. And if you are living under the control of an unhealthy addiction, suicide might seem like the only alternative for escaping its clutches. The thing that keeps most people around who have experienced both or either of these is usually love. If there's a perception of a lack of love or of being a burden to loved ones, the suicidal thoughts can creep back.

For all you potential self-off'ers out there, just know that you can change. People will love you no matter what, and it is your duty to do everything possible to return that love tenfold.

Idle Eyes said...

I'm giving up on S-ing TFU. I hear you, i know. Many people, all they need to do is just stay positive, practice gratitude, whatever, and they feel better, they get thru their low-level depression. But major depression, often that shiat dont work. Neurotransmitters/serotonin/etc, if that's out of whack, it won't change much with prayers and mantras. And sort of speaking to what Dan said, if there is some deep underlying attachment injury stuff, again, it too will not respond to sacking up and "soldiering on". I donno. Its puzzling. If depression is the issue, the best thing is a combo of meds and psychotherapy, not one or the other. Now that he has attempted once, the chances of attempting again are very high.