You may recall me disbelieving this whole thing back in March, when Thomas Beatie, who is legally male but decided to keep his female sex organs during chest reconstruction surgery and testosterone therapy, attracted worldwide attention after revealing his pregnancy. The 34 year old gave birth to a baby girl at a hospital in Bend, Oregon.
Beatie, who was once Tracy LaGondino, may sport a beard and have legally become listed as a man, but he's a she. I'm very happy for all the transgender folks out there working out their identity issues and settling on the sex they prefer to be, but I'm going to stick with the plumbing to tell me who's a what.
I hear the chorus of voices already, "But Famous M, he's legally a man". Stop right there and cease your confusion. You can be declared legally dead and still be happily healthy and alive. Or legally insane when you are not. There's any number of debatable "legal" standings, and just because you butch up the outside and take your man-meds, if the insides say woman - and certainly if you use them as such, sorry, you're a woman.

Tracy: certainly a ladies man
1 comment:
Poor kid. Another argument for pre-parental testing.
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