But the big buzz is how terribly bad Meet Dave is...that Eddie Murphy skipped the premiere. I'm gonna win!
One of the producers told the press that it's because he was busy shooting his next film, A Thousand Words. The only problem with that explanation is that A Thousand Words is being directed by Brian Robbins ... and Brian Robbins spent Tuesday evening at -- you guessed it -- the Meet Dave premiere. (He directed it, too.)Wow, what an prick. Not because he missed the premiere, which is understandable, but because he's doing another movie with same director. That's like marrying the hooker who gave you the clap. Oh, but that's not all. It seems Murphy cancelled only 90 minutes before show time - and supposedly the only reason Fox did a premiere was because Murphy insisted on one. Says an anonymous post by someone claiming to be a publicist:
It's 4:45pm, his "Meet Dave" premiere - which he is the one and only star - is an hour and a half away. And he JUST CANCELLED. Yep, all that time, money, work by everyone and dickhead Eddie just informed us he decided he's not going to show up. To his own premiere. To promote his own movie. This is why he lost for Dreamgirls. This is why Hollywood loves to see him fail. Cause even by Hollywood standards, he's an asshole among assholes.
Go watch the trailer and see how awful it is. You'll scream to get those minutes back...but you can't.
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