A female mosquito sucks blood by flexing and relaxing certain muscles in its proboscis. This creates suction (or negative pressure - similar to what pron sluts and prostitutes do) that draws blood into its mouthparts. The new biocompatible microneedle, is based on the same principle. In this case, the sucking action is provided by a microelectromechanical pump, which works using a piezoelectric actuator attached to the needle. Besides, who wants a micro-scale whore?
Contrary to popular belief, a mosquito bite does not hurt. It is the anticoagulant saliva that the creature injects to stop your blood clotting that causes inflammation and pain. And much the same, sex with a street walker is not painful, just the part where their pimp cracks your skull and robs you.
The new needle has an inner diameter of around 25 microns and an external diameter of 60 microns, which is about the same size as a mosquito's mouthpart. Its size and the fact that it works by suction, makes it painless. To compare, a conventional syringe needle has an outer diameter of around 900 microns. In contrast to previous microneedles, which were made of silicon dioxide, the new device is robust because it is made of stronger titanium and related alloys, which dramatically reduces the risk of it snapping during injections. The needle is also strong enough to penetrate as far as 3 millimetres into skin and reach capillary blood vessels. Its size compared to earlier models also means that surface tension effects are exploited further, and the same capillary flow that draws water up into trees helps draw blood into the microneedle. Sorry, no slut jokes to be had in there.
The researchers have calculated that their needle can extract 5 microlitres of blood per second. This volume is sufficient for measuring blood-sugar levels in diabetics using a glucose sensor that can be attached to the needle in a "wristwatch" design. The design uses a shape-memory alloy to drive the needle into skin and a micro-pump for delivering drugs. The latter could be used to inject insulin (or other drugs) into the patient when required.
There is hope to commercialise the needle, but there are still some challenges to overcome, including "cost, scaling up the fabrication method, and making it more user-friendly". Must be that intricate "stab needle into surface" part of using them that's messing it up.
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