Uberscumbag Gons G. Nachman (that's him over yonder with the douchiest pedophile name ever), 42, pleaded guilty in April to possessing child pornography after admitting that he had sex with 14- to 17-year-old girls while serving as a consular officer in Brazil and Congo and documenting the encounters in pictures and videos.
The judge has stupidly agreed to delay Nachman's sentencing so that he can be examined by a forensic psychologist. His defense attorney said a psychological examination might show that cultural differences led Nachman to believe that sexual contact with teenage girls was acceptable, and that should have an impact on what kind of sentence he receives. Bullfuckingshit. Like his own upbringing and understanding of American laws which prohibit sex with minors was overridden by seeing their culture. Why not kill some natives for some blood diamonds in Africa after you're done raping and genitally mutilating girl in their north?
Prosecutors correctly rejected the notion that Nachman's victims somehow deserve less protection because they were not born or raised in America. "Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Brazil have the same inherent value as children in the United States," the prosecutor wrote in court papers. They are asking for a 20-year prison term, the maximum he could receive under the law and much higher than the term of nine to 11 years called for under federal sentencing guidelines.
In a letter Nachman wrote from jail to the director of the Foreign Service pleading with him to intervene and get the charges dropped, Nachman explained the cultural differences as he sees them. "In the Congo, women develop quickly, both physically and emotionally, due to the substantial responsibility society places on them from early childhood," Nachman wrote. "In Kinshasa, the vast majority of teenagers are sexually active with men that are substantially older. ... Their main concern is marrying young girls to men with financial stability, a concern dating thousands of years and cutting across cultural lines." Which I guess may make sense if you were part of their culture...but you're not. You're just a predator and an opportunist.
The case includes allegations that Nachman pressured attractive female visa applicants in Brazil for sex. Nachman admitted that he had sex with two women whom he met in the visa application process, but he denied coercing them and he was never charged in the matter. Another odd twist is Nachman's prominence in the nudist community, having led several public demonstrations advocating nudity in the 90's.
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