First, the return of potentially the most usesless hour of television ever conceived.
The fact VH1 brough these programs back means they're no longer scraping the bottom of the barrel, they're digging the scum out of the corners. Trying to make Baio cope with the shambles of his life or leading skanks to the tranny looking altar of Michaels is not amusing, but torturous. I wish I could peg this on the writer's strike, but no one would dare pen somerthing this hideous.
In pandering to the lowest common denominator, the shows are empty calories of supposed entertainment. And clearly the early response has not yielded many devotees... Then, the Antichrist was shat out.
Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are are responsible for daughter Harlow Winter Kate Madden. Fortunately, Christina Aguilera had a boy over the weekend, so I think that cancels out the demonspawn rising.
American Idol returns in less than a day, continuing the trend of destruction and evil to reign upon mankind, and that's just the tip of the dark iceberg tomorrow. Friends, I have seen the future, and it is dark.
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