Thursday, January 24, 2008


Lilly McElroy is an artist who takes photographs of herself literally throwing herself at men.

I started the project by placing an ad on Craig's List looking for men who would meet me at bars blind date style and let me literally throw myself at them. This worked fairly well, but limited the # of photos I could take. Now, I go to bars with a friend/photographer and approach men who are physically larger than I am.

I ask them if I can literally throw myself at them. If they say yes, I have myself photographed doing it and buy them a drink afterwards. If it seems like they want to hang out, I'll have a drink as well. Sometimes we talk about the project and sometimes we just chat. I don't have a specific set up for the photos. I just want them to look as much like snap shots or party pics as possible.
So there you go! More of her work here.

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