Thursday, January 31, 2008

Somebody call Joey T for confirmation...

Apparently Matthew McConaughey doesn’t wear anything to inhibits his natural smell.

No cologne. No deodorant. Just delicious man musk. And he hasn’t worn anything for 20 years.

While on the set of the awful Fool’s Gold, actress Kate Hudson begged her co-star to scrap his long-standing anti-deodorant policy. McConaughey insists that the ladies dig it, saying, “The women in my life, including my mother, have all said, ‘Hey, your natural smell smells, one, like a man, and, two, smells like you.’”

Thanks to
Yeeeah! here's a list of ten of the stinkiest celebs...and what they smell like:

10. Paris Hilton — Jizz. Straight up jizz.

9. Tara Reid — Vodka, with a hint soggy cigarette butts and lube.

8. Kirstie Alley — Kung pao chicken and Krispy Kreme donuts.

7. Jared Leto — Always brand maxipads.

6. Rumer Willis — Potatoes.

5. Andy Dick — Jizz and nasal drip coke breath.

4. Courtney Love — Cheap whiskey and vomit.

3. Amy Winehouse — Tear-streaked mascara and three-day gin bender sweat.

2. Fergie — Piss and synthetic estrogen.

1. Britney Spears — Acne medication, toejam, Cheetos, and Marlboro Lights.

1 comment:

Idle Eyes said...

Fergie — Piss and synthetic estrogen. Ha!