Friday, January 11, 2008

In The Weekend Mix

Remember last week, before you got your high speed interweb connection and your 2 terabyte drive, and the only way to listen to a bunch of tunes was making a mix tape?

The nice thing about well made mix tape is that it is pretty much the best album ever. Gym mix? Date mix? Party mix? Totally awesome, and I say that with zero irony, man. And like a good tape, there are lots of opportunities and crazy things to do this weekend, and rather than rest, I will try and engage as many as I can.

I also have a few odd quotes in my head that don't really go together, but the flavor of the mix just makes them work okay. Such is the weekend, and what I look forward to.

Irma C. - "Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly is to the bone."

Hesh Hepplewhite - "I kick it old school. I kick the crap outta that school."

Silencio - "..."

Chris Knight - "I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, 'I drank what?'"

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