Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Year Of The Scartoe

If I get a call after midnight on New Year's Eve, you may end up with unfortunate honors.

This is the Year Of The Scartoe at IOvUF.

(what, did you think I was joking when I said it would be?)

This is something new here, since my colossal ego must be fed with recognition and glory that only this blog can generate. But last year was so smugly self-indulgent that it wouldn't be terrible to pay respect to others. In fact, this site owes quite a deal to Scartoe...it was a particular IM conversation back in 2001 that planted the initial boot in my ass to start this stupid thing.

{captainsneaky} TMQ goes out tomorrow

{scartoe} sweet.

{scartoe} i'll get cracking on the online version right now.

{captainsneaky} I still don't understand why you and DL want to put it online

{scartoe} we think we can increase your subscriber base, and make you world famous and us rich.

{captainsneaky} besides, the Internet is full of worthless shit

{captainsneaky} I don't want to clutter it further

{scartoe} that's why we do commercial tie-ins.

{scartoe} tmq tv cable show

{scartoe} tmq the movie

{scartoe} tmq action figures

{captainsneaky} I have a hard time getting my 30-odd readers to be interested or respond

{captainsneaky} what's your magic formula?

{scartoe} dan and i are marketing genii. we'll take your product to the next level. you can let josh read over the contract, and we'll take it from there.

{captainsneaky} here's my idea..............

{captainsneaky} give me the money you want to invest in TMQ

{captainsneaky} and I'll live off it and keep doing TMQ

{captainsneaky} but feel free to send your contract

{captainsneaky} TMQ is a non-profit organization

{captainsneaky} I make no profit from it

{scartoe} we've already got some interested parties willing to fork over major cash. you've heard of Pillsbury haven't you?

{captainsneaky} Yeah, they wanted to sue me because I look like some spokesman of theirs

{captainsneaky} He-he

{scartoe} you put that dough boy in your mag, and you won't know what to do with the all the money.

{scartoe} you see Pillsbury is looking to freshen up the dough boy's image. they feel your zine can freshen that image.

{captainsneaky} alright

{captainsneaky} next issue, he's in!

A lot of good this did me:

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