Thursday, April 3, 2008

Fish Beaver

Meet Barry the Beaver. He wants to be your best friend. "Bzzz." What's that Barry? "Bzzz." Is that right? "Bzzzz." Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk. Oh Barry, you're so funny! "Bzzzz". Why is Barry making a buzzing sound you ask? He's so happy to meet a new friend that he's jumping ecstatically on his tree stump.

That's the scoop at, who along with the vibrating vinyl mammal, is a supplier of Japanese toys, action figures, and other designer toys. Barry the Beaver was designed by Jeremy Fish, who's a pretty cool artist I first heard about through Juxtapoz. You can turn the tree stump to activate the vibration, and Barry has a bendy tail. So if you're into interesting art works or kinky sex toys, this could be the gift for you.

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