Thursday, April 10, 2008


When Scartoe's second brood comes this summer, there'll still be three years until another very happy event - the possible construction and completion of a functional Gundam.

Takayuki Furuta, director of the Future Robotics Technology Center in Japan, fears kids don't care about robotics he figured out how to make a real-life, six story tall Gundam from the classic Japanese battle robot anime.
He ran computer models on every aspect of the bot to determine what parts he would need to power and control the machine, then poured through electronics and industry-equipment catalogs to find the components. The result? A complete blueprint for a $742 million bot. In addition to getting schoolkids fired up about robotics, he intends to build one. A 60 foot version may not be financially feasible, but he'll aim for one that could be close to 13 feet tall. The plan is to have it working by 2011.

Four days later Scartoe will attempt to steal it.


daniel said...

we can't let it fall into the wrong hands. something as powerful as a gundam will shift the balance of power. i should be the pilot since i will only kill evildoers with it. and when i say evildoers, i'm talking about everyone. you know who you are. prepare to get blasted by my beam rifle.

famous m said...

Remind me to stay on your good side.