Thursday, November 15, 2007


Just in time for my lunch, this heartwarming and stomach churning tale comes to me from HRM Idle Eyes (See-Thru The First, Lord Of The Lotus Pose).

A 35 year old Indonesian fisherman named Dede may finally have a cure for the growths that eventually riddled his body and turned his hands and feet into root like appendages. It turns out he may have a genetic deficiency that can not control wart growths caused by the fairly common Human Papilloma Virus. In his case, his immune system could not suppress the growths, which dermatologists call "cutaneous horns".

This story is also being highlighted on the Discovery Channel tonight. The full story can be found

And because I'm trying to eat my turkey sandwich, here's a video to Radiohead's "Treefingers"...much easier than looking at pictures of Dede.

1 comment:

Idle Eyes said...

woohoo! i am often baffled by how you connect things here, from my submission to Radiohead.