While promoting physical fitness in a population with high obesity rates, Nike is cornering a demographic once reserved only for distilleries and blanket manufacturers.
The company says the Air Native N7 is designed "with a larger fit for the distinct foot shape of American Indians, and has a culturally specific look". Unless it has feathers and buffalo hide, I don't know what makes it so specifically cultural looking, and what kind of orthopedic issues have Indians had that their foot plight has registered such distinction?
All profits from the sale of the shoe will be reinvested in health programs for tribal lands, where problems with obesity, diabetes and related conditions are near epidemic levels in some tribes. The shoes themselves will be distributed solely to American Indians; tribal wellness programs and tribal schools nationwide will be able to purchase the shoe at wholesale price so they can pass it along to individuals.
Nike designers say they constructed the Air Native to be wider with a larger toe box. The shoe also has fewer seams for irritation and a thicker sock liner for comfort. No more limping around after a firewater bender!
By the way, the N7 name is a reference to the seventh generation theory, used by some tribes to look to the three generations preceding them for wisdom and the three generations ahead for their legacy. Oh, you crafty marketing boys!
No word yet on the special line of shoes for the Malaysian children who work in sweatshops making Nike products.
I've always found Nike shoes to be a little narrow and uncomfortable. And honestly I have a pretty skinny foot. So I've been Nike-less for quite some time and quite happy with my Puma, Adidas, and Saucony sneakers. But I'm liking the sound of the specs on the N7. I've always dreamed of a larger toe box without having to sacrifice the Nike swoop. But will I have to prove my Native American heritage to acquire a pair? I figure my feet alone would be proof enough.
If you send them an email from scartoe@venturatribe.org I think you can get a pair.
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