Does this have anything to do with his campaigning in a conservative, predominantly Baptist state? Damn right!
"It's well known because I'm an active member of the church," the Arizona senator said.
If that was the case, there wouldn't be a story here, no?
Further complicating the question of which Jesus McCain favors is a June interview that paints him a an Episcopalian. The senator said his wife and two of their children had been baptized in the Arizona Baptist church, but he had not. "I didn't find it necessary to do so for my spiritual needs," he said. Furthermore, he found the Baptist church more fulfilling than the Episcopalian church, but still referred to himself as an Episcopalian.
I suspect that McCain will find Judaism when he hits the Upper West Side in New York, the Book of Mormon in Provo, and Wicca in Salem. If there are any Buddhists or Hindu enclaves I expect he'll detour off the western religions to have at them too. Cross McCain off the candidate list now too...such bold faced dishonesty is insulting. Him as a Baptist Episcopal is as ridiculous as the president being a pacifist, Harvey Firestein being straight, and Woody Allen being Muslim.
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