It's the start of vacation, or more realistic terms, don't show up to work for a few days. Tomorrow is the MAGNA Krampusnacht, but right now it's recap time.
Best of the week: Time To Die!
An Ohio killer was put to death in an efficient 10 minutes earlier this week, becoming the first U.S. execution to use a single drug injection instead of the standard three-chemical combination. That system had come under legal attack because it can cause excruciating pain, which would cheapen the experience of sentencing a person to death and then executing them.
Kenneth Biros (51) was pronounced dead shortly after one dose of sodium thiopental began flowing into his veins at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility. The U.S. Supreme Court had rejected his final appeal two hours earlier. Experts had predicted that sodium thiopental would take longer to kill than the old method. But the 10 minutes it took Biros to die was about as long as it has taken other inmates in Ohio and elsewhere to succumb to the three-drug combination. Sodium thiopental is a barbiturate often used to anesthetize surgical patients, induce medical comas or help desperately ill people commit suicide. It is also sometimes used to euthanize animals. It kills by suppressing breathing.
Ohio's switch to one drug was born of a botched execution attempt on another inmate in September, but critics of the three-drug method have long argued that it amounts to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the U.S. Constitution because it can subject the condemned to extreme pain while leaving them immobile and unable to cry out. And there is nothing worse for a person convicted of a capital crime to have to suffer.
The three-drug method consists of sodium thiopental, a common anesthetic, along with pancuronium bromide, which paralyzes muscles, and potassium chloride, which stops the heart. The single-drug technique amounts to an overdose of the anesthetic — a method that injection experts and defense attorneys agreed would not cause pain.
Biros' executioners struggled for several minutes to find suitable veins, inserting needles repeatedly in both arms before completing the process on just his left arm. He winced once, and his attorney said he was concerned by all the needle sticks. But prison officials declared nothing amiss. So shut up, you lawyer prick, and say goodbye to your meal ticket.
In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld lethal injection in a case from Kentucky involving a three-drug method similar to the one used in Ohio and practically every other death penalty state. After a seven-month moratorium on the death penalty while the high court decided the case, executions resumed across the country. In its ruling, the Supreme Court said states would have to change from the three-drug process if an alternative method lessened the possibility of pain.
All 36 death penalty states use lethal injection, and 35 rely on the three-drug method. Nebraska, which recently adopted injection over the electric chair, has proposed the three-drug method but hasn't yet adopted it. Kentucky, Florida, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia are among those that have said they will keep the three-drug method. Ohio switched to sodium thiopental after a failed attempt to execute Romell Broom in September. Executioners tried for two hours to find a suitable vein, hitting bone and muscle in as many as 18 needle sticks. A hearing begins in federal court on Broom's attempt to block the state from trying again.
Biros killed his 22-year-old victim in 1991 after offering to drive her home from a bar, then scattered her body parts in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Before dying, he apologized for his crime. "I'm being paroled to my father in heaven," Biros said. "I will now spend all of my holidays with my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ." Yeah, you believe that, pal. Killing someone and scattering their parts across state lines sends you to Hell.
Also: Robbers took advantage of Brazil's passion for soccer to steal about $6 million from a cash delivery firm, as the nation was transfixed on championship games.
Police suspect the thieves tunneled into the firm's building in Sao Paulo and waited until Sunday afternoon, when the final games of the national championships were played, to break in and steal more than 10 million reais ($5.7 million). A security guard working at the firm on Sunday reported hearing loud noises but thought they were from fireworks lit by excited soccer fans. Guess who's going to be looking for a new job? Police said the thieves rented a nearby house several months ago and painstakingly dug a 490-foot long tunnel. They disguised themselves as residents, even putting a Christmas tree in the window.
If you're interested, Flamengo, a Rio de Janeiro club, won the championship in what was called one of the most exciting finales in years.
Plus: A chemistry student from the northern Ukrainian city of Konotop was killed when a stick of chewing gum exploded in his mouth. Juicyfruit indeed!
The 25-year-old student of Ukraine's Kiev Polytechnic Institute was working at a computer in his parents' house over the weekend when the incident occurred. "A loud pop was heard from the student's room," news reports said. "When his relatives entered the room they saw that the lower part of the young man's face had been blown off."
A forensic examination established that the chewing gum was covered with an unidentified chemical substance, thought to be some type of explosive material. Police questioning revealed that the student had a bizarre habit of chewing gum after dunking it into citric acid. On his table, police found both citric acid packets and a similar-looking unidentified substance, believed to be some kind of explosive material.
Investigators believe that the student simply confused the packets, and put the gum, covered with explosive material, into his mouth. Although the local forensic department does not have the necessary equipment to identify the substance, it refused to send it to the capital, Kiev, over fears that it might explode during transportation. Forensic experts from Kiev are expected in Konotop.
And: Weezer has canceled the rest of its December tour after singer Rivers Cuomo was injured in a bus crash in New York.
Cuomo and "band assistant" Sarah Kim suffered broken ribs and other injuries when the group's tour bus skidded on black ice, struck a guide rail and slid into a ditch. They were traveling to a show in Boston. A message on the band's Web site says Weezer is canceling the rest of its Raditude tour and will try to reschedule those dates.
Why is this part of the week's best? Because Weezer sucks. Yes, there were some good tracks on their first album, but after that, they've become increasingly unlistenable, and the last few albums have been pandering to Hot Topic shoppers and pre-teen hipsters. They're a caricature of what their band was, and their music and lyrics are dumbed down to the level of retardation. Their meta-ironic schtick is long past dull, and anything that keeps them from making music and polluting the earwaves of folks is good news to me.
Best picture of the week:
Best of the week: Time To Die!
An Ohio killer was put to death in an efficient 10 minutes earlier this week, becoming the first U.S. execution to use a single drug injection instead of the standard three-chemical combination. That system had come under legal attack because it can cause excruciating pain, which would cheapen the experience of sentencing a person to death and then executing them.

Ohio's switch to one drug was born of a botched execution attempt on another inmate in September, but critics of the three-drug method have long argued that it amounts to cruel and unusual punishment in violation of the U.S. Constitution because it can subject the condemned to extreme pain while leaving them immobile and unable to cry out. And there is nothing worse for a person convicted of a capital crime to have to suffer.
The three-drug method consists of sodium thiopental, a common anesthetic, along with pancuronium bromide, which paralyzes muscles, and potassium chloride, which stops the heart. The single-drug technique amounts to an overdose of the anesthetic — a method that injection experts and defense attorneys agreed would not cause pain.
Biros' executioners struggled for several minutes to find suitable veins, inserting needles repeatedly in both arms before completing the process on just his left arm. He winced once, and his attorney said he was concerned by all the needle sticks. But prison officials declared nothing amiss. So shut up, you lawyer prick, and say goodbye to your meal ticket.
In 2008, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld lethal injection in a case from Kentucky involving a three-drug method similar to the one used in Ohio and practically every other death penalty state. After a seven-month moratorium on the death penalty while the high court decided the case, executions resumed across the country. In its ruling, the Supreme Court said states would have to change from the three-drug process if an alternative method lessened the possibility of pain.
All 36 death penalty states use lethal injection, and 35 rely on the three-drug method. Nebraska, which recently adopted injection over the electric chair, has proposed the three-drug method but hasn't yet adopted it. Kentucky, Florida, South Carolina, Texas and Virginia are among those that have said they will keep the three-drug method. Ohio switched to sodium thiopental after a failed attempt to execute Romell Broom in September. Executioners tried for two hours to find a suitable vein, hitting bone and muscle in as many as 18 needle sticks. A hearing begins in federal court on Broom's attempt to block the state from trying again.
Biros killed his 22-year-old victim in 1991 after offering to drive her home from a bar, then scattered her body parts in Ohio and Pennsylvania. Before dying, he apologized for his crime. "I'm being paroled to my father in heaven," Biros said. "I will now spend all of my holidays with my Lord and savior, Jesus Christ." Yeah, you believe that, pal. Killing someone and scattering their parts across state lines sends you to Hell.
Also: Robbers took advantage of Brazil's passion for soccer to steal about $6 million from a cash delivery firm, as the nation was transfixed on championship games.
Police suspect the thieves tunneled into the firm's building in Sao Paulo and waited until Sunday afternoon, when the final games of the national championships were played, to break in and steal more than 10 million reais ($5.7 million). A security guard working at the firm on Sunday reported hearing loud noises but thought they were from fireworks lit by excited soccer fans. Guess who's going to be looking for a new job? Police said the thieves rented a nearby house several months ago and painstakingly dug a 490-foot long tunnel. They disguised themselves as residents, even putting a Christmas tree in the window.
If you're interested, Flamengo, a Rio de Janeiro club, won the championship in what was called one of the most exciting finales in years.
Plus: A chemistry student from the northern Ukrainian city of Konotop was killed when a stick of chewing gum exploded in his mouth. Juicyfruit indeed!
The 25-year-old student of Ukraine's Kiev Polytechnic Institute was working at a computer in his parents' house over the weekend when the incident occurred. "A loud pop was heard from the student's room," news reports said. "When his relatives entered the room they saw that the lower part of the young man's face had been blown off."

Investigators believe that the student simply confused the packets, and put the gum, covered with explosive material, into his mouth. Although the local forensic department does not have the necessary equipment to identify the substance, it refused to send it to the capital, Kiev, over fears that it might explode during transportation. Forensic experts from Kiev are expected in Konotop.
And: Weezer has canceled the rest of its December tour after singer Rivers Cuomo was injured in a bus crash in New York.
Cuomo and "band assistant" Sarah Kim suffered broken ribs and other injuries when the group's tour bus skidded on black ice, struck a guide rail and slid into a ditch. They were traveling to a show in Boston. A message on the band's Web site says Weezer is canceling the rest of its Raditude tour and will try to reschedule those dates.
Why is this part of the week's best? Because Weezer sucks. Yes, there were some good tracks on their first album, but after that, they've become increasingly unlistenable, and the last few albums have been pandering to Hot Topic shoppers and pre-teen hipsters. They're a caricature of what their band was, and their music and lyrics are dumbed down to the level of retardation. Their meta-ironic schtick is long past dull, and anything that keeps them from making music and polluting the earwaves of folks is good news to me.
Best picture of the week:
oh, Fox really do just make shit up
Bonus picture:

Best bonus links:
• Man's Ecstasy Collection Stolen - It was just to catalog all the different types, and now all that hard work is gone. Also, my money collection was stolen - can anybody help?
• Scientists Say Paper Battery Could Be In The Works - But plugging them in to recharge could be a fire hazard. Heh, butt plug.
• CBS Cancels Soap 'As the World Turns' After 53 Years - Now we'll never know if Kevin's evil twin is going to marry Sabrina's daughter.
• Spanish Cops Called In Over Allegation That Band Was Playing Contemporary Music At Jazz Festival - Man, that is so not cool. Some people know what jazz is!
Worst of the week: Goddamned Nazis!
First, a neo-Nazi gang member went on trial for murder this week with his swastika and other tattoos covered by makeup on the order of a Florida judge who thought they could prejudice jurors. Fuck that!
The judge ordered the state to pay for a cosmetologist to apply makeup before trial each day to cover up the tattoos on John Ditullio's face and neck, which include a swastika, barbed wire and an obscene word. More obscene that "Florida jurisprudence"?
Ditullio (23) is charged with stabbing to death 17-year-old Kristofer King in 2006 in New Port Richey, north of St. Petersburg. His lawyer argued in a pretrial motion that the tattoos, which Ditullio acquired after his arrest, could prejudice a jury. The judge agreed but ruled that any tattoos Ditullio had before his arrest should not be covered. Ditullio could face the death penalty if convicted.
Let's many nice young men are accidentally and wrongly accused of a stabbing murder, and somehow end up with with Nazi tattoos on their face? Um, none? If you're a dumb piece of shit who gets arrested for that, and gets stupid ink afterwards, that's your fault. In fact, it should speed the process up - "Oh, Neo-nazi dipshit? Guilty!". What's next? Wigs for guys with bad haircuts and to stop anti-bald prejudice? Makeovers for ugly women on trial so they have a better chance? Making black people look white?
And on some second rate MMA fight show, the TUF 10 Finale , Hoelzer Reich got their shitty, embarrassing, hate based crap on there somehow. “Das Vierte Reich Hat Begonnen” means “The Fourth Reich has Begun”? Whoops! How can you not think Nazi when you hear the word reich? Maybe it just looked so different that it was hard to tell...
• Man's Ecstasy Collection Stolen - It was just to catalog all the different types, and now all that hard work is gone. Also, my money collection was stolen - can anybody help?
• Scientists Say Paper Battery Could Be In The Works - But plugging them in to recharge could be a fire hazard. Heh, butt plug.
• CBS Cancels Soap 'As the World Turns' After 53 Years - Now we'll never know if Kevin's evil twin is going to marry Sabrina's daughter.
• Spanish Cops Called In Over Allegation That Band Was Playing Contemporary Music At Jazz Festival - Man, that is so not cool. Some people know what jazz is!
Worst of the week: Goddamned Nazis!
First, a neo-Nazi gang member went on trial for murder this week with his swastika and other tattoos covered by makeup on the order of a Florida judge who thought they could prejudice jurors. Fuck that!
The judge ordered the state to pay for a cosmetologist to apply makeup before trial each day to cover up the tattoos on John Ditullio's face and neck, which include a swastika, barbed wire and an obscene word. More obscene that "Florida jurisprudence"?
Ditullio (23) is charged with stabbing to death 17-year-old Kristofer King in 2006 in New Port Richey, north of St. Petersburg. His lawyer argued in a pretrial motion that the tattoos, which Ditullio acquired after his arrest, could prejudice a jury. The judge agreed but ruled that any tattoos Ditullio had before his arrest should not be covered. Ditullio could face the death penalty if convicted.
Let's many nice young men are accidentally and wrongly accused of a stabbing murder, and somehow end up with with Nazi tattoos on their face? Um, none? If you're a dumb piece of shit who gets arrested for that, and gets stupid ink afterwards, that's your fault. In fact, it should speed the process up - "Oh, Neo-nazi dipshit? Guilty!". What's next? Wigs for guys with bad haircuts and to stop anti-bald prejudice? Makeovers for ugly women on trial so they have a better chance? Making black people look white?
And on some second rate MMA fight show, the TUF 10 Finale , Hoelzer Reich got their shitty, embarrassing, hate based crap on there somehow. “Das Vierte Reich Hat Begonnen” means “The Fourth Reich has Begun”? Whoops! How can you not think Nazi when you hear the word reich? Maybe it just looked so different that it was hard to tell...
On the left, a shirt from AryanWear - that's clothing for racist morons. On the right, Hoelzer Reich’s version. Note the ‘Blood & Honor’ saying on the left shirt which is oh so suspiciously similar to Hoelzer Reich’s ‘Strength & Honor’ motto. ‘Blood & Honor’ used to be a Hitler youth slogan and is now widely used by skinhead groups. Funny how you only see these online...I want to see a genius slap this on and head downtown were I work. That'll be the last reich.
Also: Bollywood (I know it is one of your many interests) has
Plus: New York's oldest registered sex offender is scheduled to move by week's end out of a Buffalo halfway house for released inmates and into a place of his own, after completing his latest term in state prison for molesting little girls. It's a chapter that prosecutors, judges and others who know him never wanted — or expected — to see written. The judge who sentenced Theodore Sypnier said at the time that she expected him to die behind bars, but the 100 year old is soon to be free.
After his last arrest 10 years ago, Sypnier prepares to shed the closely monitored lifestyle of the halfway house, but its director warned that the spry and active Sypnier has not changed from the manipulator who used his grandfatherly charm to snare and rape victims as young as 4. "Whether he's 100 or 101 or 105, the same person that was committing these crimes 10, 25, 30 years ago still exists today and has an unrepentant heart," said the Rev. Terry King, director of Grace House, which has twice taken Sypnier in from prison. "He is someone that we as parents, as members of the community, any community, really need to fear."
Six months after marking his 100th birthday in the Groveland Correctional Facility — becoming the first New York inmate to reach the milestone while incarcerated, the retired telephone company worker now says he wants to get to know the youngest members of a family that has disowned him. Fat chance of that. "I'll tell them I never harmed any children," he lied. A former daughter-in-law said he is not likely to get the chance. "No one from the family plans to have any contact with him," Diane Sypnier said.
Being grandfatherly was how the 5-foot-5, 150-pound Sypnier found his victims, authorities say. After his most recent arrest at age 90 on charges of raping and sodomizing a 4-year-old girl and her 7-year-old sister, his neighbors recalled what appeared to be a kindly Sypnier offering rides to adults, handing out money to children so they could buy candy, and baby-sitting. Sypnier's convictions date to 1987, when he was given three years' probation for sex abuse. He spent a year in prison for sexually abusing a minor in 1994. His neighbors never knew of Sypnier's background because he was convicted before the adoption of laws requiring sex offenders to register with police.

Sypnier was released on parole in 2007, only to be returned to prison in 2008 after failing to attend sex-offender counseling. He completed his term in November and will be on parole through 2012. Until then, he's forbidden from using e-mail, chat rooms or social networking sites, hanging around playgrounds or schools, or spending time in bars. Currently he spends his days watching television, cooking, socializing in the halfway house and attending programming. Sypnier's new address has not been disclosed, but the law requires him to enter it in the state's sex offender registry. Although his age makes him New York's oldest registered sex offender, there is at least one older offender elsewhere. Bert Jackson of Utah is 103 and living under home confinement.
Please, somebody just go and kill these fucking perverts. It won't be much of a fight and you'd be doing the community a huge service.
And: E! Online reports that Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan is now "officially dating" Jessica Simpson. Wow, there goes my last shred of respect for him. Yep, the ZERO clad, bald philosopher of the grunge generation is supposedly coupling with the emotionally tenuous "is this chicken or tuna?" pop trash bimbo, and that comes off a romantic link to uberwhore Tila Tequila and the on-again, off-again girlfriend dalliances with Courtney Love. I guess Corgan likes 'em emotionally fragile.
Worst picture of the week:
Yes, far more than Sonia Sotomayor.
Worst bonus links:
• British Spiritual Healer Suspected Of Killing Las Vegas Woman Is Arrested In Ventura - That is a pretty good sign you're a shitty healer when you kill someone.
• Elton Will Support Ukrainian Boy He Can't Adopt - This is taking the notion of a sugar daddy too far.
• Pop Culture Main Reason California Has Chihuahua Crisis - Yes, all those unwanted dogs are pop culture's fault, not the dumbasses who feed into pop culture by buying them.
• Mariah Carey 2001 Breakdown Linked To September 11 Attacks & Public ADD - I knew the terrorists were behind that awful film Glitter!
• Tiger Woods Didn't Wear Condoms With Two Flings - Something something two strokes something hole in one?
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