Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Named Profane

Nearly two dozen of the more profanely named bands in rock, from I Heart Chaos.

1. Fuck (and also Holy Fuck)

Fuck formed in Oakland in 1993 and the name alone may make you think of a death metal or industrial group, but they’re actually a pop/rock band along the lines of something like Belly. (Incidentally, when Kiss initially formed, they considered naming the band Fuck)

Holy Fuck on the other hand are an electronica band from Toronto, Canada who create beautiful, sweeping electronic / string drum arrangements like the one above.

2. Nashville Pussy

With two women and two men in the band, Nashville Pussy sounds like its name– loud, harsh and rude. Two years after forming in Georgia, the released their debut album, Let Them Eat Pussy, which got them nominated a Grammy for best hard rock single for “Fried Chicken and Coffee”

3. Anal Cunt

Not surprisingly, the grindcore band Anal Cunt trafficks in extremely dark, obscene humor. Their songs rarely last longer than a minute, meaning you get 50 to 60 cuts per album. With titles like “Jack Kevorkian is Cool”, “I Became a Rape Counseler So I Could Tell Rape Victims They Asked For It”, “I Sent Concentration Camp Footage to America’s Funniest Home Videos” and “You’re Pregnant, So I Kicked You in the Stomach”, maybe brevity is a good thing. Above is “I Lit Your Baby on Fire”

4. Tit Wrench

Songs by the experimental industrial band Tit Wrench include “Corporate Sponsored Sex Change Operation”, “Everybodily Orifice Needs School Prayer”, “Stomach Lining of God”, “Pit Bull with AIDS” and “Cops Hate Firemen”. Sorry… I couldn’t find any videos.

5. Schlong

The punk band Schlong ground out such ditties as “I Wanna Scratch My Butt”, but they’re best known for their cover album Punk Side Story, which gives the classic musical West Side Story a loud, debauched makeover.

6. Prick

Just as NIN really is Trent Reznor, the band Prick is simply Kevin McMahon. Its only full-length album– produced and released by Reznor failed to make a dent in the music world– just a prick.

7. 3 Way Cum

Heavy metal band 3 Way Cum sadly only released one album, 1997’s Killing the Life. Also couldn’t find any videos for them.

8-19. Bands with “bitch” in their name

The most often used profanity in band names is “bitch”, hands down. Two bands use the word as their full name, and are joined by Bitch Magnet, Bitch Alert, Bitchcraft, Bitch and Animal, Anvil Bitch, Son of a Bitch, Psycho Bitch, Southern Bitch, Little Bo Bitch, 7 Year Bitch and others.

20. Lovin’ Spoonful

Yes, Lovin’ Spoonful, along with the band 10cc are references to the average amount of semen in a typical ejaculation. You learn something new every day, don’t you?

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