Holy Headshot should be the only source casting agents use to find themselves talent. But until then it will just have to be an awesome book.
What’s your name? Ashley? Monica? Judy? Who cares. All I know is it’s not Kitten Kay Sera. She had the guts to name herself after a baby cat that believes that whatever will be, will be. You had the guts to name yourself after yourself. Lame. Did it even occur to you to think about using a luxuriously monochromatic color scheme for your headshot? Wait, I know the answer: No. Why? Because you’re completely afraid to take chances. Kitten actually states on her resume that she ‘privately and commercially will only wear pink.’ And that doesn’t just apply to her clothes. Kitten’s so committed to her craft that she dyed her dog pink. Let me guess, your diabetic cat can barely stand to look at you when you’re reading your sides for that not-so popular breakfast cereal commercial audition you have tomorrow.
Do you seriously think wearing your “best” Abercrombie & Fitch shirt is going to get you noticed by a casting director? It’s like you’re wearing a sign that says, “Hey, just throw this headshot out as soon as you get it! Thanks!” I mean, if your idea of looking edgy and youthful is dressing like you just went shopping at a mall in 2002, then bravo. Take a look at Yenz von Tilborg. Now that's a headshot. He’s terrifyingly breathtaking! If a pirate, Count Dracula, and a hair dresser were all moving at a high speed and collided, they’d transform into Yenz. The best part is, he is a hairdresser and his resume reveals that he actually sees himself as a Dracula figure and “a bit of a Johnny Deep.”
Let me guess: You haven’t been getting much work from your crappy headshot. Why don’t you take a lesson from Sybil Presley’s playbook and have some fun with your look. Sybil’s not afraid to dip all the way down to the bottom of her closet, until she finds the magenta tasseled hat she picked up at her sister-in-law’s darling consignment shop a few years back. It matches her adorable purple vest perfectly. And she’s even got a smiling sunflower lapel! And when Sybil tops it all off with the multi-colored, striped glasses, you know damn well she’s in good mood. When her headshot photographer said, “Think of your favorite joke!” She thought, ‘What’s got two legs, is black and white and dpesn't own a pair of rosary beads? A panda bear!!’ Joy emanates from Sybil like a thousand, recently snapped glow sticks.
Hey, sad-looking middle-aged actor. If you’re going to go with the mock turtleneck/blazer look, that’s fine, but at least show some personality. Try adding some action to your shot. Here, take a look at Ken Glatt’s headshot. He’s just about to answer a call on his hand phone but he’s still giving the camera a wry-look. Ken’s letting us know, ‘Hey, I may be a businessman, but I have a strong sense of play!’ And to show some emotional range, he dropped in a second shot of himself. This is the classic It-might-rain-and-also-don’t-mess-with-my-family look. With such a dynamic headshot, Ken’s hand phone is sure to be flooded with calls from casting agents.
Hey boring lady actress who can’t get any work because she looks boring. Take a look at Ushasi Kitchen’s headshot. She did a masterful job of altering her expression or gesture from photo to photo. You barely notice that she’s wearing the same black felt cowboy hat in the top two shots because she mixes it up by changing not only the background color (from a U2-Live-Under-A-Blood-Red-Sky-Red to a more morose, burnt caramel) but she also changed jackets. She went from an urban black, shiny nylon jacket (which suggests that she is on her way to see a play about racial inequality) to a more dangerous, don’t fuck with me snakeskin coat. Smooth move, right? And the bottom two shots are great examples of how to show acting range by varying your hand gestures. Ushasi goes from the ‘Oh, you think my son’s handsome? Thank you very much.’ look on the lower left, to the, ‘Really? I didn’t know Haiti was somewhat near Mexico!’ expression on the lower right. She expertly nailed the message that she’s the total package–positive, confident, and sweet looking.
To all the wanna-be tough-guy actors out there, listen up. If you want to look cool, take some notes from this guy. Mike Marino is flat out rockin'! He sort of looks like Gene Simmons, sans the Kiss makeup. He’s got jet black, shoulder length hair and an I-don’t-give-a-shit-about-rules look. And the dual figaro wrist and neck gold chains are too kick-ass. The best part is that he’s shooting you with his mind. It seriously looks like a laser is about to burst from his temple! I bet his latest solo album is called something awesome like, “Mike Marino: Perpetual Riff” or “Mike Marino: Mind Laser.”

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