Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Can I Interest You In The Sauvignon Belushi?

No, Xanadu On Broadway was not the worst idea you've heard today. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare yourself for the Dan Ackroyd Winery.

Construction will begin this fall with a completion target for the 2008 growing season. The winery will feature modern technologies such as solar panels and green-friendly wastewater management systems, and more archaic items, like Dan Ackroyd.

Hopes are high that the winery will draw at least 44,000 visitors a year, and who wouldn't want to spend $14 and up for a bottle of vino and view souvenirs from Dan Ackroyd's career. You know, the one he had up until the last ten or so years.

It's amazing what $11 million and a little star power can accomplish these days. More the $11 million than the star power. Very little star power.

When asked for comment on the project, Ackroyd said, "I never thought that a line of wines would be a possibility." Neither did we Dan, neither did we.

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