Thursday, June 28, 2007


Having been the MAGNAband friend lackey lately, I've encountered the worst that Myspace has to offer -- the bulletin.

I purposely stayed away from Myspacing and stuck to the semi-anonymous blogosphere because whatever self important incoherent idiocy that needed to be shared with the public should be solicited, or at the very least useful. Peep some of the garbage from MAGNA's inbox:

I've seen more interesting and intelligent stuff written in boogers on a bathroom stall. I swear I dropped 30 IQ points after reading those. That's exactly what needs to be blindly sent to thousands of people -- cries for attention and insignificant ramblings. Harder to believe than me wasting time to read these ejaculates of babble is that they actually wrote them. How much did Rupert Murdoch pay again for Myspace?

1 comment:

Idle Eyes said...

a few months ago i deleted an old friend from Bako because he kept posting bulletins saying he was bored, is anybody up, etc. Deleted. diespace.