Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Married To The Sea

Yeah, it's a kinda slow blog month, especially compared to May Madness. Am I getting a life? Hardly. And while my vitriol is still percolating, rather than mouth off I'm going to throw out another great site for a laugh.

Married To The Sea is the child of two other cool daily webcomics, Toothpaste For Dinner and Natalie Dee, done respecively by the Ohio husband and wife duo of Drew and Natalie. They are rap lovin', meme quoting, culture-mocking freaks with two oafish but delightful dogs who make crudely generated art with brilliant subtext and the ocassional video or two. I don't think there's been a day since I started reading thier comics that there wasn't at least one of them that was funny each day. Try and beat that Charlie fucking Brown!

If you don't instantly find laughs and sick relevance to your own life, you're either dead or born without the gene for humor - or both.

1 comment:

daniel said...

by the by, the jizzing prince adam graphic rules. gives me the giggles every time.