Monday, June 25, 2007

The Limit

There comes a time in everybody's life when you just have to stop. Here's the skinny on age limits.

crank calls : 16 - shouldn't you be IMing instead?

drinking hot chocolate : 41 - it's no longer cute to drink after 40 (but you get a year grace period)

virginity : 22 - it's not precious, and the longer you wait, the more time it will take for you to get good at it

going to dance clubs : 23 - it's time to stop looking to blindly hook up and get attention

riding a skateboard : 21 - if you can order a beer, you shouldn't be rolling up to a bar on a plank (unless you're a pro skater)

starting a band: 28 - doesn't your day job get in the way of couch surfing and living on ramen?

living at home : 25 - when companies will rent you a car, you should rent your own place

listening to the Steve Miller Band : 19 - you're a joker, you're a smoker, you're an idiot

getting piercings : (navel) 19, (tongue) 24, (nipple) 26, (nose) 29 - if you haven't gotten on the trendwagon at that point, don't passed you by

playing with action figures : 13 - put G.I. Joe away and try and sell him to other nostalgic nerds in 20 years

beer bonging : 22 - because past then, you shouldn't be in college anymore

starting a blog : 33 - your opinion doesn't mean too much now

Las Vegas weekends : 26 - what herpes in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas

wearing your fraternity / sorority sweatshirt : the day you graduate college - because the real world doesn't care which friends you bought

calling radio stations for requests : 14 - you should know they have their playlists done way in advance by now

working a minimum wage job: 23 - either become shift manager or get a career

trying to hook up a 3-way : 27 - never gonna happen after that point, now you're just old and creepy

wearing anything pot adorned : 19 - smoking pot is cool, advertising you do isn't

going to giant festival concerts : 31 - because you were the age of half the audience when _______ put out their first record

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