The London schoolboy left looking unhappy after being snubbed by star (?) Megan Fox is being flown out to receive an apology and finally meet his idol. According to one of those London rags, a $5,000 reward was offered to find out the boy's identity, and thusly Harvey Kindlon was discovered by a Facebook user. Must have been hard, searching the Megan Fox and Autobot fan groups. Harvey's cousin, confirmed the boy will be flying to New York tonight to meet Megan with his mother and a friend.
Kodak, ripe with money after killing their Kodachrome film line, are flying the dissed romeo over to the States so he can give Fox the rose in person. Or get rejected again, which would be hardcore.
Also, Famous Sister gets to be the first
The worst of the week: The career obsessed in the entertainment business!
Earlier this week we got a nice taste of the pot of shit calling the kettle anything but black. The backlash was well deserved, but it was not, and will never be enough to make such a self-involved mosquito change. Although it doesn't hurt to try. Even his initial coverage of the Michael Jackson death was, in typical douche fashion, tasteless (and not the amusing kind, like where I insinuate MJ pulled an Elvis and is secretly living in Iowa). Pardon the language, but Perez Hilton is a cunt.
Here's the worthless
What did God say when Michael arrived? DID he arrive? Was he consoled and embraced and ultimately released from all of his childhood pain or was he admonished for what many suspect but thankfully don't have confirmed?
There is an inescapable question mark as to the ethics and balance of Michael Jackson that goes with him to his grave. It is most assuredly not what Michael had in mind when he set out to be pop music's "P.T. Barnum", the man in the middle of the circus. Although, let's be real, anyone who reportedly invites a gossip tabloid to shoot him in a hyperbaric chamber courts the bizarre.
I was the last person to get Michael Jackson to go on camera. Technically, it was his last interview as I asked some questions and he answered them, but it's not one I'd choose to hang my hat on. Michael was alternately petrified and obsessed with my camera. He loved the small HD handheld 24P size camera and demanded to know where he could get one. But, before the cameras got rolling, while sitting in the small kitchen of his temporary Irish countryside cottage, Michael asked, "Is 5 minutes OK?"
Interviews hadn't gone well for him in their aftermath since pre-Oprah in 1993.
Our meeting took place in October 2006 about two hours outside of Dublin in a recording studio. Will.i.am of The Black Eyed Peas was there, mixing and collaborating with Michael. Michael was much relieved to have Will join us and in truth, Will mostly did the talking. When the music came on, MJ started tapping and moving. He got up and danced, he sang. I was 8 feet away. Wow. I'll always have that.
Of course my intent was to get him relaxed and talkative. It never really happened cuz that wall wasn't coming down. I saw the pain in Michael. I knew he could not take one more ounce of disappointment. Michael simply wanted to be universally adored. Loved by ALL. That leads to the ultimate conclusion of his death:
Michael will never be disappointed again. He is right now universally adored. His legacy of hits and impact on music and everyone that came after him is undeniable and EVERYONE in the music community will see to it that THAT wall does not come down. Michael will be immortalized like Elvis, Lennon and JFK. Michael never met an honor he did not want to accept. The love of yesterday and today means so much to him, so I'm sure he is finally.... happy. But back to God.
What did God say? "You are forgiven?", "I'm sorry?", "I made Quincy Jones, Berry Gordy and John Landis as well as Joe and Katherine, so therefore I made YOU!"? "You should have trusted Billy Bush and loosened up. He was NOT there to 'catch' you in any way?" (My personal regret related choice).
The enigma of that scenario is very much like its subjects, The Lord of Hosts and the King of Pop.
And while I'm at it, let's just be clear that one's "career" is no excuse - ever - to become single-minded, narcissistic, and possessed about advancing it, carnage be damned. I truly wish failure upon anyone who is so cold and callous to lose sight of general decency or decorum in their quest to succeed. I'd wish cancer on them, but that can be sent into remission or give them the release of death. Failure, is long, stinging, and bitter tasting. A great chilled side dish with revenge!
Runner Up: The Republican Party!
I almost made this a 'best of' runner-up, because it gives me such pleasure watching those motherfuckers act so smug and judgmental, yet continue to implode as a political entity as their own hypocritical actions devalue their rhetoric. Like Senator Ensign the week prior, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford couldn't keep his dick in his pants, but rather than just make a mockery of his matrimonial vows, he went off the grid for almost a week. As far as the GOP goes, that is presidential material.
Runner Up: The Republican Party!
I almost made this a 'best of' runner-up, because it gives me such pleasure watching those motherfuckers act so smug and judgmental, yet continue to implode as a political entity as their own hypocritical actions devalue their rhetoric. Like Senator Ensign the week prior, South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford couldn't keep his dick in his pants, but rather than just make a mockery of his matrimonial vows, he went off the grid for almost a week. As far as the GOP goes, that is presidential material.
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