Hilton first alerted the police via Twitter that he had apparently been involved in an altercation with the Black Eyed Peas entourage at an awards show afterparty during the early hours of Monday morning. "I'm in shock. I need the police ASAP. Please come to the Soho Metropolitan Hotel now. Please," Hilton tweeted at around 3 a.m., according to local reports. Hilton's next message alleged that he had been assaulted by will.i.am of Black Eyed Peas and his security guards. "I am bleeding. Please, I need to file a police report. No joke," he added. Will.i.am reportedly created his own Twitter account to deny Hilton's story.
What a media hungry little bitch. If I got attacked, I'd call 911, not twat out a bunch of micro-headlines. Does Tubby McGee think he's so important that even the police are following his twat chatter? And all the Twittidiots came out, not surprisingly, against the doughy leech.
Joe Rogan on Twitter:
PerezHilton talking about how he doesn’t like drama in his life after he called Will.I.Am a fag and got punched in the head made my dayWatch this, it makes you want to smack him.3 He talks shit about people for a living and gets upset when karma rolls
Travis McCoy (of Gym Class Heroes, formerly of Katy Perry's vagoo) on Twitter:
PS. WILL.I.AM- 1, PEREZ-0, It’s about fucking time. AAGH,I just watched him get his Chris Crocker on”I write drama about other peoples lives,I don’t want drama in mine” You got BOOM BOOM POW’D! Violence is not the answer. Trust me, been through it. The fact is, not EVERYONE is going to take being called a vulgar expletive lightly.
Frankie Muniz on Twitter (the only place you'll find him these days):
Perez Hilton, how do you call a man a FAGGOT right in his face and not expect to get hit?
John Mayer on Twitter:
Not true. In fact I’d like to train you in Krav Maga. Then you’ll have the situational awareness not to get in someone’s face. I also want to train you in an old martial art called “Never Call A Black Dude a Faggot Jitsu.”
When Malcolm in The Middle and the white Kanye West of Twitter talk shit to you, you're pwned. The icing on that cake is that GLAAD is pissed off at Perez for using the slur. That faggot should have known better.
On the other side of the fist, Chris Brown pleaded guilty yesterday to assaulting Rihanna...because he totally whupped her ass.

Living cockroach Mark Geragos, who is Brown's lawyer, said the plea represented the singer taking responsibility for his actions — which included beating, choking and biting Rihanna during a fight in early Feb. 8. Actually, not beating the piss out of your chick is taking responsibility for yourself. After Brown left the courtroom, Rihanna entered and was addressed by the judge, who explained that she had issued a stay-away order. Rihanna had not been seeking such an order, but the judge imposed one anyway, which requires that Brown and Rihanna stay at least 50 yards from each, except at industry events when the distance is reduced to 10 yards.
Since Brown is not a California resident, the judge said he will likely will be allowed to do his service in his home state of Virginia, but she didn't want him to spend his time at churches or community centers. Instead, Brown was ordered to get his hands dirty by doing work equivalent to what he would do in California — clean up grafitti or roadside trash. He'll have to return to California every three months and attend domestic violence counseling. A spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County district attorney's office said the terms were in line with what others receive when they are charged with similar crimes and have no prior criminal history, which I find hard to believe, but then again, I deal my justice like a vigilante - on my own terms.
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