Previously unknown to the world at large, the company has contracted previously unknown to the world at large Russian porn starlet Anna Morgan to tattoo their company logo and URL on her breasts. The company feels that the link between porn, the interweb, and online gaming is "as strong as the pairing of peanut butter and jelly". Maybe they could have said Mountain Dew and Doritos.
By their logic, a female porn star can easily appear in 50-100 films per year so this gives their company a lot of exposure. Allegedly, the sandwich board with tits has just signed a multi year contract with Top Studios here in Porn Valley - although I'm even more skeptical because I've never heard of "Top Studios", and I've, ah...done research.
A press release says Anna is set to receive the tattoo "at Soul Tattoo Shop on June 15 of this year", which is where I'm sure lots of other skanks will be clamoring to get their moneymakers inked up for a paycheck. Or fanboys are expected to show up - that's Soul Tattoo, Anytown USA. She has agreed not to alter it in any way or have it removed for at least two years, but for half a mil, she can sit at home instead of being plugged in every orifice like a Dutch boy spotting a leak.
While it seems smart on the surface, the truth is that any gamer that knows anything about the website won't see the ad...they'd be too busy gaming to watch a skin flick. And vice versa.
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