Chuvit Kamolvisit, dubbed Bangkok's massage parlor king by the Thai press, later apologized for losing his temper and assaulting host Visarn Dilokwanich after the interview. Visarn filed a complaint with police, saying Chuvit had behaved like a thug. "He was very upset when I told him during the show that what he said off-air and on-air was totally different," Visarn said, showing reporters bruises on his neck and head.
"I admit I did it. I couldn't stand it when he humiliated me on air," said Chuvit, a stocky former bodybuilder who owned a grip of girly bars before entering politics a few years ago. "What I did was a petty crime and I am happy to pay the fine for elbowing him and kicking him," Chuvit said.
Herr Docktor used to be known as the massage parlor king, but that was just right after college (I think there was a blooper tape of that...ultimate blooper?). As for tonight's Biden / Palin tussle, I'd like to see what happens when stumped or humiliated - and there's a good chance that'll happen to her.
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