The 23-year-old, described as tall and strong, vomited relentlessly, passed out and died during the "Big Stomach King" contest at Dayeh University. That is champion behavior. "I can't say why he died," said Huang Te-hsiang, the university's dean of student affairs. "He had been in the contest before. He was a strong guy." Oh sure, it's a mystery. I wonder how athletes can possibly get hurt too, being so big and strong. It's just not possible, right?
The graduate student, surnamed Chen, may have eaten too fast rather than too much, a campus publicist said. Uh, a little misleading and not really true. Eating your weight in custard over a year won't kill you, but eating it in 10 minutes will. volume and speed, morons. Chen was on course to win the five-year-old annual competition. He had pulled ahead of 30 other teams and would have won T$2,000, which is a measly $60).
Taiwan's education ministry has halted campus-based eating contests while an investigation is launched, but alcohol binges are still being allowed.
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