The "actress" - who believes the MMR vaccine was to blame for her son's diagnosis - says a strict no wheat-and-dairy-free diet has changed her son from a quiet little boy who used to flail his arms around to a loving six-year-old.
"Before the vaccination, he was huggy, lovey, snuggly...then it was like someone came down and stole him." It's like The Changeling, but the kid never left!
"I made a deal with God," she explains. "I said, 'You fix my boy, you show me the way and I'll teach the world how I did it.'" Yep, because God felt you were the most credible way to get that info out there.
At this rate, maybe Jenny McCarthy should start focusing her attention elsewhere. Like, our economy or the war overseas or global warming. Please, Dr. Ex-Playboy Model: get on it STAT!
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