Friday, May 30, 2008


If ever there's another war under false pretenses, the Kiss Army can count on help from Condoleezza Rice.

The Secratary of State met the rock band when they happened to share a hotel in Stockholm. She was there for an international conference on Iraq while Kiss had a gig then next day.

"I was thrilled," Rice said of her late-night encounter with frontman Gene Simmons and bandmates Paul Stanley, Eric Singer and Tommy Thayer. They met in the executive lounge of their hotel, where they signed autographs and handed out backstage passes and T-shirts to her staff. "It was really fun to meet Kiss and Gene Simmons," she told reporters, noting they seemed well informed about current events. The band had asked if she could stop by after she finished dinner with the Swedish foreign minister and Rice readily agreed.

Kiss weren't wearing their trademark stage makeup but were still recognized.

Rice is a classically trained pianist with self proclaimed eclectic musical tastes, she conceded she had never seen the group in concert. And while she frequently attends classical music performances, Rice claims to have been to only four rock concerts in her life - Paul Revere and the Raiders, Smokey Robinson and the Miracles, Earth, Wind and Fire, and U2. You can see how out of touch she is with the "rock" music just by looking at those bands and thinking they're all rock.

No word on if Gene Simmons banged her...because that's what he does.

UPDATE: Proof! And proof that Paul Stanley looks like shit. He is an ugly woman.

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