Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Decorating For Dummies

Are you a pretensious ass who needs to give the air of intelligence and sophistication, but don't have the time to spare and really be so? Then how about decorating with books!

Why book decor?

"Designer books unlike draperies or carpeting appreciate in value and never wear out. They are an investment for the future, as well as the ideal item with which to decorate your home or office. Warm rich leathers and antique gilt accent any room from traditional to contemporary in style. A library, study or simply a corner table...designer books are an affordable and elegant way to add warmth and beauty to your decor."

Hell, you can even buy by the foot or yard! You see, the U.S. stopped producing leather bound books over 100 years ago, but affordably priced European books are plentiful and available to the American market. Their books are not just simply books, but in actuality, each is a work of art!

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